速報APP / 娛樂 / Crystal Ball

Crystal Ball





版本需求:Android 3.0 以上版本



聯絡地址:3 rue du Chateau 34830 Clapiers

Crystal Ball(圖1)-速報App

It's the most realistic crystal ball ever! As soon as your camera is turned on the crystal ball appears and modifies what you are filming, just like a real crystal ball would.

To top everything this ball has magic powers and the ability to fulfill all of your interrogations.

When you question the crystal ball directly it emits a multicolored light according your voice, and once you have finished asking your question and the silence restored, the ball goes from darkness to light before answering.

The answer can always be read, because the magical spherical shape moves around inside the crystal ball as though it were under the influence of a gravitation pull within. You may move your device as you wish, its gyrometer sensor does the rest.

This answer may be affirmative:

Crystal Ball(圖2)-速報App

★ Yes

★ It is certain

★ Timely yes

★ Without a doubt

★ Yes it is obvious

Crystal Ball(圖3)-速報App

★ Yes definitely

★ You may rely on it

★ Most likely

★ It is decidedly so

★ Outlook good

Crystal Ball(圖4)-速報App

★ I guess so

Or negative:

★ Very likely

★ Stop dreaming

★ Don't count on it

Crystal Ball(圖5)-速報App

★ Certainly not

★ My sources say no

★ Very doubtful

★ Not at all

But sometimes capricious, this ball can also provides you a noncommittal answer as:

Crystal Ball(圖6)-速報App

★ I don't know

★ No idea

★ Try later

★ Cannot predict now

★ Better not ask

Crystal Ball(圖7)-速報App

NB: However note that the answer does not match with the truth but is the result of a pseudo random algorithm called « Mersenne Twister ».

Crystal Ball(圖8)-速報App